Jackie was truly one of the best facilitators I have worked with. I admired her transparency and vulnerability as a facilitator and her welcoming, non judgmental attitude. I liked all the ways we were given information (ie. slides, handouts, videos) and Jackie made the conversation approachable and engaging. Thank you Jackie.
Past Clients
We have worked with organizations from a variety of sectors including: community organizations; Indigenous organizations; youth serving organizations; newcomer organizations; coalitions, and arts organizations.
Here is a sample of some of the organizations we have worked with in the past:
Abilities Manitoba
Canadian Mennonite University
Churchill Health Centre
City of Winnipeg (Community Services Department)
Co-op Housing Federation – Canada
Heartwood Healing Centre
Health In Common
Elmwood Community Resource Centre
Initiatives for Just Communities
Immigration Partnership Winnipeg (IPW)
John Howard Society of Manitoba
Ka Ni Kanichihk
Lake Winnipeg Indigenous Collective/ Lake Winnipeg Foundation
MANSO (Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations)
Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth
Manitoba Underground Opera
Manitoba Museum
Manitoba Music
Mennonite Central Committee
Mount Carmel Clinic
North End Community Renewal Corporation
Parks Canada
Peg City Car Co-op
Rainbow Resource Centre
Royal Manitoba Theater Centre (MTC)
Seal River Watershed Alliance
Spence Neighbourhood Association
St. Amant
Survivor’s Hope Crisis Centre
Theater Projects Winnipeg
United Way Winnipeg
West Broadway Community Association
Winnipeg Arts Council
Winnipeg Public Library
YAA (Youth Agencies Alliance)
Young Lungs Dance Exchange
Jackie got us all engaged and I loved that she was real and was emotional and was able to share her stories as that is what made it real for us, so thank you to Jackie for a great workshop.